When you’re having issues with your AC system or it’s time to install a replacement unit, it can be very tempting to do it yourself. After all, think of all the money it would save you! But while this idea is good in theory, the truth is, handling AC repair and installation work when you’re not trained to do so can end up causing major problems for both you and your AC unit. It can put your health at risk, it can jeopardize your AC system, and it can cost you much more in the end to fix a mistake you could have avoided from the start by calling in a professional.

Ultimately, it almost always best to hire a professional to handle emergency AC repairTampa residents who try the DIY approach to their repairs may:

  • Injure themselves – AC units aren’t simple machines. They have a number of moving parts, electrical circuits, chemicals, and coils in them, and they take a lot of training and experience to truly understand. If you’re not well-versed in AC systems or their repair, trying to make fixes on your own can be extremely dangerous. It could even lead to electrocution if you’re not careful.
  • Cause even more damage – Though you may think you’re saving money by attempting your own repairs, in the end, it could cost you much more than you bargained for. Not only do you have to pay for all the parts that need replacing, if you make a mistake or break something else in the process, but you also have to pay to fix those as well! You could also void any warranties from the manufacturer or those who last serviced your machine.
  • Make incorrect repairs – If you’re not trained in AC repair, it’s easy to make silly mistakes when working on your unit. Ultimately, these won’t just affect your unit’s ability to function, they could also cause problems for your entire home, like short-circuiting your electrical system.

When it comes to emergency AC repair, Tampa homeowners should always call in a professional to handle the job. It will keep them safe, keep their unit in top condition and prevent additional damage from occurring.

Need emergency AC repair? Call Air Zero, any time day or night.